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Technology Consulting
Technology Design/Bid Specification
Project Management Services
Training & Professional Development Services
District Responsibilities


To maximize the impact of “technology” upon student learning, a district must have a clear understanding of how that technology will integrate into the existing curriculum. ISD Education has the resources and the educational background to assist districts with:

  • Assessing current instructional software needs
  • Evaluation of courseware
  • Development of Staff Training Plans
  • Conducting teacher inservice training, providing modeling and hands-on instruction using technology to enhance learning within the classroom curriculum

Once the actual need of a district is identified, ISD Education can provide a plan for professional development. After district plans are developed, ISD Education will integrate training resources from the software developer as well as using ISD Education resources and resources within the district.

Training for teachers is often conducted by software specialists, many of whom are classroom teachers or media specialists. They are able to speak from experience having used the technologies within their classrooms.

We hold classes at our corporate office in Holland and at client locations across Michigan. ISD Education will work with your district to develop a plan that will address your needs for professional development while making the best use of your financial resources.

ISD Education, Inc. 2003 ® ISD Education, Inc. 2006 ®
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